
Nordica Fireplace Stoves - Models, Features and Reviews

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In 1967, in the province of Vincenza, in the north-east of Italy, a small factory for the manufacture of wood-burning stoves, owned by the Dal Zotto family, appeared. More than half a century has passed since then, but now La Nordica is still located in the vicinity of Vincenza. A small family-owned company has grown into a concern, which includes 5 enterprises operating on an area of ​​almost 70 thousand square meters. m (7 hectares), and a modern training center with 6 laboratories for the training of dealers and service centers. And she remained a family business, carefully preserving many years of tradition.

Convenience in every little thing

Among the strengths of La Nordica is attention to the details of the design of the furnaces. All models of stoves and fireplace stoves provide convenient access to the grate and ash-pan for cleaning inside the firebox, spectacular and efficient convection grilles, the mandatory presence of “Clear glass” and double-afterburning systems. Most furnaces have a long-burning mode that saves fuel and stabilizes the temperature in the room for several hours (all night). There are models with the possibility of side-laying firewood (long logs), a woodcutter under the firebox, a shelf above the firebox. With La Nordica, you are warmed by both the warmth of the flame and the care of the manufacturer.

Beauty, variety, quality

La Nordica's assortment includes about 250 different models of steel and cast-iron stove-fireplaces of the highest quality and reliability, with a unique design. In the manufacture of strong and durable materials are used: low-alloy corten steel, not subject to corrosion even without treatment, and vintage furnace cast iron with spheroidal graphite inclusions. For facing, the most durable pressed ceramics are used, which accumulate and perfectly retain heat, steatite, beautiful warm majolica. There are models from enameled steel without facing. The doors of the fireplace stoves are supplemented with refractory glass ceramics, allowing to observe the fire and withstand temperatures up to 750 C for a long time. To increase the reliability and durability of the equipment, the furnaces are lined with chamotte and vermiculite. Thanks to a wide selection of designs, La Nordica stoves will fit into any interior - from vintage to futuristic. The functionality of the stoves and fireplaces of the Italian brand is as diverse as the appearance.

For any interior

The basis of the Italian firm's lineup is classic fireplace stoves for heating. They quickly heat up and hold heat for a long time, have high efficiency, decorate the interior and delight the eye. An incredible number of various fireplaces stoves will satisfy even the most picky perfectionist designer. They can be tiled, tiled or ceramic, like Gaia and Dorella, or stone - pay attention to Ester! Open to the public the beauty of high-quality steel, like Super Junior or Super Max. Looks old fashioned like La Nordica Giulietta, Isotta con Forno or Viola. Top Design Zen, Fortuna Bifacciale, and the like, perfectly fit into trendy hi-tech interiors. La Nordica produces both classic non-glazed stoves - for example, Mignon or Major, and built-in fireboxes (Inserto series, but not only). This universal brand is capable of anything!

Table of contents

Nordica fireplaces stoves are made of strong, durable and environmentally friendly materials, such as sheet steel, cast iron and fully comply with all fire safety standards and requirements, European GOSTs. La Nordica is suitable for installation only in homes and summer cottages, since firewood is used for their kindling and a chimney hood is required, and for added protection, the furnaces are complemented by a sealed glass-ceramic door that prevents fire and sparks from entering the room.

La Nordica range

The most popular La Nordica cast iron fireplace stove today is the model of the Isotta Con Cerchi wood firebox, which connects to the chimney and has an average weight of 210 kilograms. Moreover, such a fireplace stove has a convenient retractable ash pan, in which all the products of burning fuel accumulate, which can simply be removed after the end of the furnace. The Nordica stove is equipped with a hob on one large burner, with which you can cook and warm water,

Such a cast-iron fireplace stove is small in size and is able to quickly warm the air in the room, while its design is a cross between classic and modern, and the facade and firebox are complemented by a sealed sash with tempered clear glass.

For laying long logs, the oven is the best suitedLa nordicaIsottaEvo with side door.

If you prefer an elegant and sophisticated style, you will surely like the model of the Fortuna Panorama fireplace stove, which has an interesting and thoughtful lining, which is presented in two colors: red and white.

The fireplace insert itself is distinguished by the convex and curved shape of both the facade and the body, and the furnace, which is made of durable and refractory glass ceramics, which tolerates a maximum heating temperature of up to about 800 degrees. La Nordica stove fireplaces of this model also have one significant difference from other variations and modifications, namely it is equipped with a rotating base.

Another cast-iron stove with a power of 7 kW includes the Italian model La Nordica Classic, its name speaks for itself, since such a wood firebox has a classic and simple design. As an addition, the case of this variation is partially equipped with steel inserts, and the sides of the hearth are lined with ceramic panels, which significantly increase the heat capacity and accumulation of such a heating unit. Such a stove is characterized by a more direct and elongated shape, a classic facade, in contrast to the previous convex and volumetric variation.

If you want to buy the La Nordica fireplace stove presented in a brighter and more interesting color scheme, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the Super Junior cast-iron fireplace in more detail. Such a wood-burning solid fuel hearth has a power of 5 kW, which in turn allows you to evenly heat the total living area, reaching 140 cubic meters. The advantages of this variation include the affordable cost, with multifunctionality and good power. Such a fireplace center La Nordica is more suitable for one-story summer houses than for two-story spacious cottages.

For a small living room, the Giulietta fireplace insert, which has a small height and is completely made of high-quality cast iron, is perfectly suited, which allows the room selected for installation to quickly warm up to a comfortable temperature. The fireplace insert is characterized in that with the help of the upper shelf it is possible to heat food and water, and the installation of the hearth is made by means of four supporting legs.

For connoisseurs of elegance and sophistication, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the model of the La Nordica Nicoletta fireplace stove, which is suitable for heating a total area of ​​70-80 square meters, and if necessary, you can choose a hearth in the most desirable color version: beige, burgundy or cream. Such a fireplace stove is based on cast iron and ceramics, which, when combined, give an excellent result and increase the efficiency of heating equipment.

The Fiorella stove, made of high-quality steel and ceramics, belongs to the category of stylish fireplace inserts manufactured by the Italian company La Nordica, the furnace is available in a burgundy and cream shade, has small dimensions and is suitable for installation in a small room. Ceramic side inserts and other decor of such a fireplace stove have a pattern and ornament that completes its image, make it possible to combine and harmonize with the classic interior.

The fireplace stove La Nordica Fiammetta from the previous variation is that on its body and ceramic inserts any pattern and ornament is completely absent, which allows it to be advantageously combined with such areas as minimalism, modern and hi-tech. The firebox is presented in beige and burgundy, bright, juicy and saturated, the advantages include small dimensions and the ability to heat about 65 squares of living space with such a hearth. The functions of such a wood hearth include the presence of a glass self-cleaning system and the possibility of using the long-burning function, which allows to reduce the consumption of firewood.

At the same time, La Nordica Max Panoramic model of a stove-fireplace combines an interesting design and high power for which the country house with a small living room will be the best place to install. This model of the fireplace hearth has a simple design and is presented by Italian designers in two colors: green and black.

The furnace category La Nordica America belongs to the category of more bulky and voluminous heating units, which is equipped not only with a heating function, but also has a large hob on two burners for cooking.

The La Nordica category of fireplace stoves with maximum power and a secondary afterburner includes the Falo 1XL model, which also has the ability to supply air from both the primary and secondary systems, which is very convenient, justified and economical.

The body of such a furnace is equipped with ceramic inserts that have a beige shade, and the firebox itself is based on high-quality cast iron, which is able to retain accumulated heat for a long time. Also, such a La Nordica fireplace stove is equipped with an Italian manufacturer of a cooking surface made of refractory ceramics. Thus, such a model of a wood-burning solid fuel hearth is simultaneously intended for heating the room and cooking, and the optimal place for installation is not the living room, but the dining room or kitchen, it is quite possible to place a dining group or a work area nearby.

Acquaintance with reviews

An important role in buying Italian-made La Nordica fireplace stoves is also played by the actual buyers who leave reviews about the furnaces themselves, and not the dummies - this will be the key moment that will help you to make the right and justified choice.

Real users, based on the many reviews that have been left on specialized forums and online stores, often say that such La Nordica stove fireplaces are really made from the best quality materials. Which tolerate regular care, cleaning, sudden changes in temperature and strong heat, while the surface does not deform, does not scratch and does not wear. Also, according to customers, La Nordica fireplace stoves are environmentally friendly equipment, during the heating of which hazardous and unhealthy decomposition products are not released into the air, there is no unpleasant smell, smoke.

At the same time, according to buyers, based on real reviews, the advantages of La Nordica stoves-fireplaces include the high power of equipment made of cast iron, steel and ceramics, which even allows the heating of a completely small country house with a footage of up to 40-50 square meters.

To kindle a fireplace stove made in Italy, you can use not only pre-prepared and well-dried firewood, but also purchased pellets, which are available in any specialized store. The use of loops will allow you to forget that for wood stoves you need to harvest, dry and chop wood.

Another advantage of fireplace stovesLa nordicabased on real user reviews, there is a small fuel consumption that allows you to save money, and the furnace works continuously from one bookmark for more than 3 hours.

La Nordica fireplaces stoves are best placed near the internal walls of the room, as in this case they will give all the thermal energy to the house, with its minimum output to the street. Installation near the exterior walls of the house is not the best option, which will not allow the house to fully heat up, and most of the heat will immediately go outside.

Nordic stoves are high-quality fireplaces that, at their affordable price, allow the buyer to get a full range of functions, a unique and stylish design that is suitable for rooms of various sizes, layouts and designs. And models with a hob can fully replace not only heating equipment, but also the hob, thereby saving space in the house.

La Nordica fireplace stoves are presented in various styles, from classic and minimalist to modern, Provence, high-tech, art deco, which will complement any living room, kitchen or dining room, however, it is not recommended to install such a fireplace in the bedroom, as it is dominated by a large amount of textiles, which can easily ignite.

This video provides a qualitative overview of the model of the heating unit, namely, the Nordica Super Max Verde stove-fireplace is presented: