
Room Design for Two Teenage Boys

The correct room design plan for two boys:

  1. We choose only among modern styles. they look acceptable in a mess, and it is inevitable.
  2. We read about the room for a boy teenager paying attention to the decoration. Because redoing overhauls is not our goal, we will do the repair itself as for adults.
  3. Due to accessories, toys, drawings, posters, stickers, bedding and curtains, we add bright accents as boys in childhood also like bright colors. With age, this will all be replaced by itself. More than 130 cool photos in the material about the nursery for the boy.
  4. At the first stage, when we add accents, it is super important to understand the combination of colors in the interior as bright colors are the most complex. Next will be how it works in a nursery for two boys.

Well and yes, there are 2 approaches to the design of children's rooms: with white furniture and neutral decoration and a purely preschool fairy-tale version.

My advice is to choose the first one. It is more universal, it remains relevant regardless of the age of the child and it looks stylish even for adults. The style with white children's furniture was discussed in detail in the material about the design of children's rooms for two heterosexual children, and the first half is 100% relevant for the design of children's room for two boys. I highly recommend reading it (and viewing it - there’s a ton of real photos).

Design and colors in the kids room for boys

Let's take the facts:

Children like everything bright. Bright does not go well with the unsaturated woody colors of furniture, doors, baseboards and floors.

Therefore, for example, in the Scandinavian style, where besides white there is also a lot of wood, all accent colors are pastel.

Hence the simple rule for the boys room:

  1. If you want a lot of bright colors, the furniture, doors and baseboards are white.
  2. If all of the above is a plain wood color, then we add accents to pastel colors.

For perception there is no difference where the brightness came from, from decoration and furniture or from accessories and textiles. But the latter is easy to replace. Therefore, it is our choice. Pay attention to the photo - the repair is ordinary, and in the nursery of the boys it is turned by accents.

Furniture and furniture for two boys

The main rooms for 2 children are beds. But what else would I like to accommodate? Boys like to compete and that’s good. Give them the opportunity to do this profitably:

  1. Sports corner with a horizontal bar, rings, mats, a children's punching bag.
  2. A place for board and intellectual games (chess, checkers, go, monopoly). Either a children's table or just a zone with a carpet.
  3. The study table can also be joint - in study you can also compete.

Because most children are small, and boys need space - be sure to use vertical zoning. Those. furniture should use the height of the room. The bed is always two-level. The first level can also be a bed, or a closet, sofa, armchair - whatever, the main thing is to raise the bed and use the area under it.

Most boys like to sleep high. The feeling of comfort, control. If you will use a classic bunk bed and there will be a dispute over the place, it is better to give up a decision of chance - toss a coin. Competition for a place and other buns can be arranged at least from the age of 8, then the children are more conscious and often adequately and without offense accept defeat.

The best way to resolve disputes between children is toss a coin.

The coolest room theme for 2 boys is engineering drawings. It is stylish, it develops and gives scope to the imagination, improves spatial thinking, does not lose relevance with age. Find wallpaper with drawings or print posters or just hang posters. In general, such a plan chip already dismantled in: Children's rooms for boys.

Another series of thematic children's photos. But remember that children grow quickly, and for teenagers and adults this style is clearly not to their taste:

Three main whales of a teenage room design for two boys

The design of a teenage room should first of all be aimed at determining the location of the three main and necessary zones: training, for sleep and for leisure. No matter how small the room, but these three so-called whales must be present.

Correct Zoning Option

For the training zone, it is necessary to highlight the brightest place in the room. If there is a window, it is better not to consider other options for placing a table for lessons. Even with the most effective artificial lighting, sunlight is physiologically important for a growing person. It is necessary for the development of visual perception, improving the psychophysical state of the child and maintaining his ability to work.

Training Zone Design Option

It’s better to refrain from such a layout

Zones for sleep and leisure occupy the rest of the room. They can be combined or isolated from each other. It depends on the area of ​​the room, the hobbies of the boys and their preferences in design.

How to combine sleep and leisure areas

Essential furniture for a teenage room of two boys

For the training area:

• Table. Wide enough to fit two jobs, or two separate. Natural lighting should be either in front or on the side of the inactive hand of the child (for the right-handed person on the left, for the left-handed person - on the right). The minimum size of the countertop per person is a depth of 60 cm, a width of 80 cm. It is better to allocate a separate place for the necessary audio-video equipment, including computer, in the room of each teenager. Chairs should be comfortable, with a stable back, the correct height. It is advisable to opt for transforming chairs with adjustable height of legs and back. On the right stool, the adolescent's legs have a right angle between the lower leg and thigh, lower leg and foot, and his back ends at the level of the shoulder blades.
• Racks, shelves, cabinets. A schoolboy has more than enough clerical goods, and two, and besides teenage age, are several times more, but not two. Therefore, there are not many places to store them. These are hinged and floor shelves, all kinds of cabinets, drawers in the table. You can use the space of the windowsill, but cluttering the window with shelves, even without a back wall, is undesirable. This will significantly reduce the access of light to the room.
• Additional lighting. The main lighting in the form of a ceiling lamp, one or more, depending on the shape and size of the room, is necessary in the nursery. But in each zone, especially in the working one, there should be an additional one. This is a table lamp, fixtures built into the wall.

An option for the right training area equipment

• The choice of bed depends on the area of ​​the room. These are separate or bunk beds, a convertible bed with a retractable or folding one berth. Sofas are possible, but with special orthopedic filling. It is advisable to choose the size of a berth either with a margin due to the rapid growth of a teenager, or with the possibility of their easy increase.
• Bedside tables (can be built into the bed), bedside for storing trifles, books and magazines.
• A case for things. In the nursery it is better to put a roomy closet with many shelves and drawers. Teenagers do not really like to clean their room and reluctantly allow adults to. Therefore, so that their room does not turn into a dump of scattered things, it is better to save its appearance with such a cabinet. If a mess, so even hidden from prying eyes.
• Lamps: night lamps, reading lamps, built-in. Their choice and quantity are guided by the preferences of the child.

An original solution for a teenage sleeping area for two boys

The equipment of the play area depends on the area of ​​the room and what the children are fond of. It can be a Swedish wall, gymnastic rings, a punching bag, a basketball hoop or a place for chess. The main thing is that it is far from the place to study and safe for children. For toys, it is advisable to acquire a separate box, do not mix them with educational things on the shelves near the table.

With deliberate zoning, there is a place for a game corner even in a very small room

Children of the same age often come to chat, play, or take lessons. They need extra seating. A couple of bean bags, an original ottoman on wheels fill this gap and fit organically into the interior of young fidgets.

The color scheme of the room for teenage boys

The color scheme of the room of the sons must be thought through with them, making their own minor adjustments. The advantage is given to a more mature color scheme, attributed to the strong half of humanity: white, gray, all kinds of shades of blue, green.

Color options for teenagers

Do not forget that colors are warm and cold, affecting the thermal perception of the room, dark and light, able to visually reduce or expand the space. Too saturated and aggressive color is not acceptable in the bedroom or in the working area, especially if the child is hyperactive, easily excitable. Red can only be accented, otherwise it brings fatigue, causes a feeling of anxiety. Shades are better to choose pastel.

Design of a teenage room for two boys in pastel shades

In the teenagers room there are no restrictions on the combination of colors - everything is appropriate here, even the most awkward combinations. The only limitation is that you do not need to make it plain. This is not consistent with children's temperament and lifestyle, so it will be too boring for two teenage boys.

A bold mix of colors in a teenage room

Things to consider when designing a room design for teenage boys

For wall decoration, do not choose too pretentious, expensive, and most importantly not washable wallpapers. In addition to the boys' favorite posters that cover all the dear beauty, variegated spots of unknown origin will quickly appear on them. The most practical option is plain paint. They withstand several coatings, easily change, and a change in the color of the paint will add some variety to the interior of the boys who are tired of it. And it won’t be too insulting when over time they completely disappear under the most necessary things, glued, driven in or attached to the wall with even more vandal methods.

A practical option for wall decoration in a teenagers room

There should be a minimum of furniture and it should be positioned so that there remains at least a small but free area of ​​the room from it. It is advisable to abandon traumatic interior items and minimize the sharp corners that cabinet furniture is equipped with in excess. If tables, beds and shelves are made to order, then the corners can initially be rounded. If this is not possible, then you need to close them with special overlays. It will cost less than a permanent treatment for abrasions and scratches on your fidgets.

Pads for sharp furniture corners - a must-have item in the boys room

Actively knowing the world of teenagers constantly something breaks down or something interesting is discovered, but incomprehensible and even categorically unacceptable in the house from the point of view of parents. In order not to create a problem for yourself, not to stumble all over it all, put somewhere in a secluded corner a box or an original basket specifically for such things. You can adapt for this and the ottoman, making it a secret box under the seat.

Padded stool with a drawer is a beautiful piece of furniture and an excellent way to remove a lot of things from your eyes

Interior design for two teenage boys based on their psychotype

Adolescence is quite problematic for parents, but it is no less difficult for the children themselves. Often a child has a need for a so-called shell, where you can hide, be alone with your thoughts, and recover from experiences. This must not be overlooked. You can try to alleviate the fate of the growing son, creating him such an opportunity in his room. To do this, just pick up the appropriate pieces of furniture.

Double decker bed for teenagers

Sometimes the friends of the brothers with the advent of puberty become almost enemies. Their communication often ends with a physical clarification of the relationship. In interior design for them, you need to take care of personal space for everyone. Let it be a small corner where there is no access not only to parents, but also to his brother.

Such a corner will not take up much space and will create the necessary personal space for the teenager.

Two in one or design option for a teenage room for two boys

If the area of ​​the room allows, you can create two rooms in it, taking into account the advantages of each child individually. It is not necessary to pile a blank wall between them, even if these rooms will radically differ in style and furniture content.

Parents should come to terms with the manifesting personality of their already adult enough to make some decisions for children, look at the mess that seems to them and bad taste from a positive point of view. After all, it is so beautiful that their sons grow personalities with their own taste and outlook on comfort. And dads and mothers will only have to intelligently choose some element of furniture or a good color scheme that can put together the seemingly disheveled designs of teenagers, create their rather harmonious tandem.

Not quite right in this option will be the selection of the perfect furniture for both sons, which differs only in color. Let them decide for themselves who is more suitable - a sofa or bed, an armchair or an ottoman. Only in the working area should a table and chair remain unchanged and thoughtful parents.

Two different corners for two teenage boys according to their taste

Designer recommendations for a small room of two teenage boys

The small space of the room for two grown children allows exclusively modular furniture and the maximum use of it vertically. These are bunk beds, convertible sofas, wardrobes, hanging shelves, mobile cabinets on wheels that hide under tables. In the style direction, minimalism or hi-tech is most acceptable. Visually, a room is enlarged only due to lighting and light shades. Filling with mirrors is unacceptable for this. They often crash during active games and injure children.

Placing furniture along the wall in a small room

When creating a new interior for two teenage boys, do not forget that they already have the right to a personal life in which parents are not always allowed. Show confidence in your sons - put the latch on the door to their room, make a pair of lockers with locks.

Theme of cars

As for the 2nd design approach, the result is not bad. Wall murals with the popular animated cartoon “Cars” are bright, and bright are liked by young children, but not directly kindergarten ones, it will be comfortable for schoolchildren in such a room. On the other side of the room is a wallpaper with formula 1, which is also a long-playing option.

There is a Swedish wall with gymnastic rings - a big plus. The table and chairs are also correct. Immediately 2 globes are also a plus.

Now the cons. The furniture design is very old fashioned. The selection of colors is also dubious.Red and green - conflicting colors that are as incompatible as possible, and also too aggressive. Both colors are not combined with natural wood. In short, white furniture would fit in much better.

The second unused moment is vertical zoning. If each of the beds was raised to level 2, additional storage could be placed under them. It's almost always worth it.

Marine theme

As an adult, the design is old-fashioned and clearly budget, we will not pay attention to this. For children, it is very good. A pronounced marine theme, many home-made details and even a chandelier in the shape of a helm. But the most interesting is furniture.

In terms of functionality, all furniture is ideal. The bunk bed is also with drawers below. Full wardrobe and corner table. There is even a chalkboard. Definitely not enough sports corner. A horizontal bar or a Swedish wall directly asks for a marine theme.

Photo of another children's 14.8 sq. M. for two boys in a similar style, but where there are more errors in the functionality of the furniture:

Without bunk beds, the room immediately fits much less. This is the worst mistake. The arrangement of the beds in a row does not provide sufficient zoning. Of interesting aquarium and keyboards. From the point of view of appearance, again, we do not disassemble. Really stylish, childish are possible only with a different approach to design (link to the nursery for two children at the beginning).

And in contrast, a more correct approach to the same marine theme. Brighter and more modern furniture, while not entirely children’s furniture, is also suitable for older boys. Thanks to the bunk bed, a full-size sliding wardrobe and a sports corner are located:

For two teenage boys

After 10-12 years, the design of the room for boys is already turning into the design of a room for a teenager, which means an adult. Some bright things can still be, but the main emphasis is on functionality. We give children an active part in developing the project.

Although for teenagers there are interesting thematic designs. For example, British style:

An interesting photo is an example of a nursery for teenage boys, when 1 bed is placed on the 2nd tier, and underneath is a wardrobe.

Pay attention to the cabinets in the last photo. Such curbstones must be fixed (bolted to the wall); otherwise, when trying to hang on it, they may tip over and injure the child. We sorted out such things in detail here: Design of a children's room: selection of safe furniture.

A budget option for children, which nevertheless has potential. Smooth empty walls - a place for posters and stickers that have already begun to appear:

Division of a room into zones

For a comfortable stay and pastime in the bedroom you must have four zones.

For storing things. Depending on the size of the room, 2 different wardrobes can be used. With limited free space, one chiffonier will be enough. However, it is necessary to choose a double-leaf cabinet with equal sections, one of which will fulfill the function of storing one child, and the other the other.

For training. It is recommended that you use a separate desktop for each boy. Given the small area of ​​the space, transformer furniture or folding tables will be the best solution. An important nuance in the working area is considered sufficient lighting of the desktop, which will become a guarantee of good vision for children.

A place for games. When designing this area, it is important to consider the preferences of both children. It’s best to give the children the right to choose this solution: they will tell you what will become the ideal playing area for them: a sports slide with shells, a basketball hoop or gymnastic mat.

Sleeping area. The only important aspect in the decoration of the recreation area for two boys is a full bed with a quality mattress. Folding chairs and sofas have a negative effect on children's posture. To minimize the occupied space, you can use a bunk bed or a convertible bed.

Children's room can be divided into zones for training, games and sleep.

Design bright kids room with study room.

The style of the children's bedroom

The use of a single style in the design of the bedroom is a winning solution. It is especially popular in the bedrooms for young children. Here you can apply the following style options:

in the style of a pirate ship,

in the jungle style

cartoon theme (cars, transformers, star wars, etc.).

The bed can be made in the form of a rocket

For boys, the topic of space will be very interesting.

Nautical style kids room design

How often do renovations in the boys bedroom?

Children grow up quickly, but parents are in no hurry to change the design of the nursery for two boys of different ages. Usually the older brother’s surviving items are automatically transferred to the smaller child. The same fate awaits furniture, which becomes short - legs rest against the sides of the sofa or the headboard.

A room for two is planned taking into account the age of the children and the age difference

Agree, it’s not good when the second son is deprived of new things, therefore, periodically you need to please new children of both children. Shopping for the interior must be planned when the sons move to a new age stage.

Tip. The best reason to update the interior of the room for two boys is Birthday, when the son moves from kindergarten to school. Parents notice how age-related interests change, and childish toys are replaced by older hobbies.

The original and stylish decor of the bedroom in a marine style is also a great gift for the future captain. It is advisable to make a small reorganization of the space before the new school year. You can update the wallpaper, textiles, accessories and pictures on the walls, but there should be a common design theme.

In the marine theme of the room, a bunk bed in the form of a ship will look great

Children's pirate style for two boys

In the interior of a children's room for two boys, everything should correspond to age perception. Even if it’s a marine style, the “Ship” sofa is suitable for the baby, and the eldest son will appreciate the pirate-themed decor. But you can arrange everything like a cabin for a young man or a cabin - with a real helm, a market, a compass, a map of the sea routes and a bunk bed. The theme of “Underwater Brothers” and “Finding Nemo” with stickers of the main characters of the cartoons will suit two twins or older school-age weather.

For preschool children, design in the style of your favorite cartoons is suitable

Stylish design will give novelty even in a room with old furniture. Think broader, choosing a style from the following:

  • Transformers
  • Wheelbarrows.
  • Space.
  • Sport.
  • Young musicians.
  • Spider-Man's Lair.
  • Travels.

The interior of the nursery based on the cartoon "Cars"

Superhero Style Kids Room

Children do not like boredom and monotony, so they quickly cool to what they dreamed about for a long period. Neutral quality furniture according to the classic pattern in the design of the nursery for 2 boys is as if leveled against the backdrop of a bright decor. But it’s easier to adapt to the new design style. At the next room update, choose a kit with a bright design, especially if the boyish interests are stable. Give preference to furniture with capacious niches for linen of toys and personal belongings. This is the best way to teach tomboys of any age to order, putting everything in its place.

Finishing materials in a nursery for two boys

When deciding what a bedroom interior will be for two boys, it is important to consider the determining factors:

  • practicality of materials
  • environmental Safety,
  • the presence of chemical components,
  • personal wishes of children
  • Parent preferences
  • room functionality
  • protective coating strength,
  • stylistic correspondence.

Finishing materials suitable for the nursery should be environmentally friendly - not emit harmful substances and not emit pungent odors

Recent developments and new technologies make it possible to remove any stains from surfaces. “Antikley” displays traces of PVA, “abstractions” of young artists are removed with special stain removers on a wallpaper marker, and a teflon-impregnated flock repels spilled juice and traces of dinner on the sofa upholstery. It is better to immediately choose a finish for the design of a children's room for 2 boys, which does not get dirty. Of course, painting on the walls, mosaic of broken tiles and ready-made stickers will help to hide defects on the floor or walls until the next repair.

The ceiling and walls can be decorated with drawings or posters.

It is advisable to choose a floor covering based on natural wood, which creates a special atmosphere. It most beneficially affects the state of health. Quality parquet and pressed cork are quite expensive. Then the wood base is opened with a layer of varnish in several layers, only the aesthetics of the texture remains from the environmental component. There are 2 solutions to the problem of maintaining environmental friendliness of the material:

  1. Spend money on expensive varnish.
  2. Find a budget replacement, for example, choose a laminate.

Reasonable parents prefer non-slip materials. Even if it is a traditional tile or laminate on top of the “warm floor” system, it is better to choose offers with a rough surface. You can also choose high-quality linoleum on a warm substrate or carpet. If one of the children is allergic, experts recommend choosing a floor that is easy to clean daily with a washing vacuum cleaner.

The carpet in the nursery is better to take from synthetic materials - natural products often provoke allergies

Tip. High-quality material will undoubtedly decorate the interior of the room for boys of different ages, but choose a floor covering with a minimum content of chemical components.

Paper wallpapers are environmentally friendly, inexpensive and do not accumulate dust.

Wallpaper is a classic wallcovering in a nursery, including the interior of a room for two teenagers or children of different ages. But look for something non-standard, for example, wallpaper for painting, to make it easier for yourself during the next repair. Then it will not be necessary to change the basis, just paint over greasy spots from fingers and “creative scribbles” on the walls.

In a room with windows to the south, the wallpaper can be painted in any shades, especially blue, light gray and purple tones.

Tip. Give children the opportunity to express themselves creatively in their room. Slate board, wallpaper-decorating or a specially designated place in the nursery - and let yourself draw.

All children want to draw, so it’s better to foresee this opportunity.

Ceilings can also suffer from the bold experiments of young naturalists. It is worth choosing a coating that is easy to wash, clean or change as it spoils. Normal painting, stretch canvas or plastic panels will compete with traditional ceiling wallpaper and whitewash.

On the ceiling of the nursery, you can depict space or sky

How to arrange zoning in the nursery for two boys

If the children are expressed individualists, their room should be divided approximately in half so that everyone has a personal space.

When separation is not particularly necessary, the bedroom is designed with pronounced zoning, where everything you need is at arm's length.

Each child should have his own workplace for study and creativity.

About half of the room’s area is allocated under the playing area

1. Game ZoneFor kids, this is a large place with toys, teenagers play at the computer.
2. Training placeA desk or computer desk is conditionally divided into 2 places, each supplemented with shelves or a rack with personal belongings.
3. A place of sleep and restA bunk bed (the youngest child sleeps downstairs) or 2 separate beds.
4. Boxes for thingsBuilt-in closet, compact children's complex with an attic bed on the closet, pull-out niches, a drawer under the folding seat.
5. Sports wall or cornerA mandatory attribute of the development of boys, equipment depends on age characteristics.

Shelving and storage cabinets should be located in a separate area

The dimensions of the sports corner are selected based on the dimensions of the room

The division into zones is usually quite arbitrary, but everything should be at hand so as not to go from corner to corner. Sleeping places can be at opposite walls if the room is divided into approximately two halves. It is better to put beds or children's sofas head to head, so as not to get involved in communication before bedtime.

In other cases, zoning involves dividing into four parts, while the sports corner is included in the playing area.

The greater the difference in the age of the sons, the more obvious should be the division of the room into zones

Important! Each functional area should have good local lighting, especially where children learn and read lessons. At beds it is desirable to provide switches for general lighting and bedside sconces.

Recreation area should be interesting.

Basic furniture requirements

Basic requirements for room furniture for two teenage boys:

  • design,
  • strength,
  • reliability,
  • safety for health.

Furniture in the nursery can be folded, disassembled or moved, but should not break

Things should be stored separately - each has its own departments in the closet and all kinds of departments. This is an important condition when drawing up a design project for a children's room for two boys. A whole dressing room, as girls, sons do not need, just one closet with functional compartments is enough.

Tip. Revision of things at the end of the summer and winter season will eliminate the need to save old clothes and unnecessary items.

All furniture will be repeatedly tested for strength, especially the springy mattresses of beds and sofas. Children love to jump on them in the absence of parents if they do not have a compact indoor trampoline. Metal furnishings are recommended for a room for two teenage boys, but keep in mind that these surfaces are cold. Everything that has been done on the basis of chipboard or chip “halva” is desirable to be strengthened in the main blocks, especially if the furniture is not structurally credible.

The beds in the children's room may be in the form of rockets, cars or ships

Attention! Young children run a lot, make imprudent impulsive jerks - a taboo on furniture with corners!

The color scheme of furniture and the entire room of children should not be limited to the fact that blue is for boys, pink is for girls. The main background:

  • blue gray
  • white,
  • light beige
  • green apple,
  • citric.

Furniture in natural shades of wood is preferred, but may be with colored plastic facades. Depending on their preferences, boys may like patriotic combinations (colors of the flag of the country) or other trios, for example, white with gray and pistachio.

Bright colors in both furniture and decoration contribute to the development of children

Most of the children of primary school age like the beds of "cars" in red - based on the cartoon "Cars". They are no more expensive than other models, and they are produced by almost all domestic furniture enterprises. They will bring great joy to the children. Consider their age needs, desires and personal interests, so that a functional and emotional design of the children's room for boys of different ages is obtained.

Choose the style and color scheme of the interior

In the process of selecting a color palette, try not to use only one shade. Dilute the main color with others to give the room more comfort and highlight individual areas.Do not be afraid to use the cold gamut and feel free to combine it with warm.

Design of a nursery for two boys in brown

The design of the children's room for two boys is rustic

A good solution would be to add a touch of green to the blue and blue color to fill the room with warmth and comfort. You can combine gray shade with cream, olive and yellow. White color will look interesting if you diversify it with decorative elements of red and purple hues.

When decorating a nursery, it is imperative to add other warm colors to the main color

Kids Room Design for Two Boys with Oak Bed

If there are boys in the room who still go to elementary grades, then the space style will be a good solution. The room can be supplemented with a hinged ceiling with stars. You can decorate the room with the help of luminous globes, as well as small models of spaceships.

Children's room for two boys is large

The design of the children's room for two boys is bright

A universal choice for children of all ages will be the modern style. Here it will be appropriate to look at murals with your favorite superheroes or posters for teens. In the interior, you can safely use bright colors and choose furniture of creative forms. To complete the design of the room, you will get beds in the form of cars (for schoolchildren) and products of a restrained color scheme (for older guys). Multilevel headsets, where zones for sleep, study and entertainment are already included, will become a real find.

Design a kids room for two boys with a niche

Design a kids room for two boys in the house

Boys 10-12 years and older will appreciate the design of the loft room. Bare brick walls, posters on the walls, restrained colors, a carpet with an unusual design - all this looks attractive. When choosing designs, preference is given to modular furniture, hanging shelves with photo frames. The sconce and the main light are selected in an unusual geometric shape.

Design a kids room for two little boys

Design of a nursery for two boys in a marine style

If boys love comics and video games, then pop art style will be a practical solution. This room design is suitable for children of all ages who are fond of creativity. The design uses bright colors, paintings and shocking posters. You need to use catchy shades in moderation, but furniture with clear geometric shapes will fit perfectly into the design.

Children's room for two boys with wooden furniture

Design of a kids room for two boys with a plywood bed

How to divide a room into zones

It will be most convenient for children to live indoors if it is correctly divided into zones. In this case, the boys will not compete because of the territory. It is important in the process of separation to allocate a place for work, games and sleep. The working and playing area for the boys will be common, but everyone should have their own relaxation area.

When zoning a room, use different colors, bright elements on the walls, small nightstands

Children's room for two brothers

It is best for a children's room for boys of different ages to look like this:

  • Sleeping area. If there is enough space in the room, then it is important to install two beds, which will be similar in size and style. The distance between them should be at least 150 cm so that children do not feel discomfort. A bunk bed will help save space in the nursery, which is especially important when it is small.
  • Zone for work. Set up two tables in the room at which children can sculpt, play or learn lessons. If the nursery is small, then use a common oblong-shaped table, which can be separated by a bedside table or a partition in the middle. Take care that each child has his own chair and reading lamp.
  • A place for games. Actively spending time is much easier if a separate corner is allocated for this. Install a children's complex in the room with a ladder and a slide for a small child. A soft carpet and a place with toys will also delight children. For teens, it is important to have a sports corner with a horizontal bar and bars.

Such a division of space will allow each child to feel comfortable at home.

Design a kids room for two boys with a slide

Design of a children's room for two boys with a bunk bed

We equip a training zone

Try to place the place for study in a suitable color, which will adjust to the workflow. Optimal for this zone is brown, blue, yellow, green and orange. In these shades, you do not need to equip the entire room, just hang a schedule, map or calendar on the wall.

Design of a kids room for two boys with modular furniture

Design a kids room for two boys provence

If the room has space for two tables, then between them you can install a bookcase or bookshelf. In the case when you have chosen a common table for schoolchildren, then try to distinguish two separate zones on this territory. Each boy should have his own shelf and lockers, where it will be convenient to arrange accessories.

A practical solution is to set children's desks by the window, where there is a lot of light

Design of a kids room for two boys with stars.

Install work desks near the window so that children can conveniently learn lessons in daylight. Another practical idea when planning a room is the installation of two bunk structures. For each boy, there is a separate headset, where a bed is located on the second floor, and a work desk on the first. Retractable transformer models, where a bed appears from under the podium, will also save space in the room.

Children's room for two boys beige

Children's room for two boys with a loft bed

Another practical design decision is to install a magnetic or chalk board near the desktop. In the course of homework, children will be happy to complete it, noting the completed actions. Do not forget about artificial lighting: a bedroom for children will be as comfortable as possible if each boy has his own table lamp and main chandelier with a sufficient number of bulbs.

Kids room for two twin boys.

Children's room for two boys is white

We equip a game zone or a recreation area

Place the place for games in bright colors that will set up for outdoor activities. A large picture on the wall and unusual elements will appeal to all children. If preschoolers and primary school students live in the room, then they will like a place for drawing: cover the wall in the play area with special paint, so that it will be possible to leave inscriptions on it and easily wash them.

Design a kids room for two striped boys

Design of a nursery for two boys with wallpaper

The presence of a bright soft carpet will allow kids to sit on it with their toys. For younger children, place roomy boxes and hanging pockets for storing toys in the room. If the children are heterosexual, then divide the territory so that they can play comfortably.

Design of a kids room for two boys with airplanes

Design of a kids room for two boys with an armchair

When grown-up guys live in the room, a sofa will be appropriate where they can sit and do business: playing the guitar, chess or video games is much more convenient if there is a separate place for this. A sports corner with a Swedish wall will allow you to stretch and distract from your studies.

Very unusual and at the same time comfortable convertible models with pull-out beds

Design of a nursery for two boys gray

It will help to save a place in the children's modular furniture or a bunk bed. Transformer models, where the child’s bed rolls out and hides at will, is a good choice for a small room. If there is a lot of space in the nursery, then install two twin beds and in the middle of the bedside table to delimit the place. Using shelving, paintings, screens and individual decor, you can unobtrusively select separate zones.

Design of a kids room for two boys with a carpet

Children's room for two boys with accents

Try to find comfortable beds for children. Folding chairs and sofas do not contribute to a good rest and restoration of strength. The use of orthopedic mattresses will provide a high level of comfort and help beautiful posture formation. If you decide to supplement the layout of the room with a two-story structure, then it is best to order the product according to the style of the room.

Design of a nursery for two boys in the attic

Design of a kids room for two boys with furniture

Design of a kids room for two boys in orange

Storage system and dressing room

If space is limited, you can safely install one wardrobe for two boys. The cabinet should be divided into two identical parts, where each has its own half with shelves. Such a separation will avoid quarrels. If teenagers live in the room, then choose a cabinet of restrained colors.

Design of a kids room for two boys with photo wallpaper

Design a kids room for two teens

Design of a kids room for two boys with a bed

You can purchase a ready-made modular system in which the cabinet is already integrated. In the case when the room has a lot of free space, adults can order two modular systems. Each of them has a bed, a wardrobe, and sometimes a desk.

The photo clearly shows how the finished modular system saves space

Design of a kids room for two boys with a table

Design of a checkered kids room for two boys

A practical choice for a room where heterosexual children live will be a cabinet with mirrored doors. The design will visually increase the size of the room and allow the girl to preen comfortably.

Nursery design for two boys blue

Design of a children's room for two boys themed

Design of a nursery for two boys with a rollaway bed

Try not to clutter up the room with large closets. The optimal solution would be one spacious wardrobe, where everyone will have their own place. If desired, the product can be supplemented not only with shelves, but also with hangers for hangers, where it will be convenient to hang a school uniform.

The design of the children's room for two boys is simple.

Design a children's room for two solid wood boys

Interior design of a nursery for two boys

A spacious chest of drawers is another practical solution for the room. Pick up a design with several compartments and capacious drawers. Another plus of the dresser is that its upper part can be used to store additional things. Put a lamp, children's toys, books, or a potted flower here.

Design of a kids room for two boys with a painted bed

Design a kids room for two boys

Minimalism style kids room design for two boys

Does not take up much free space in the children's corner closet. It is best to order the product according to individual sizes. Preference can be given to both the built-in and case models, where there is an inner wall and other details. To save space when the size of the room is small, a narrow but high cabinet under the ceiling will help. Open side shelves are relevant to use for storing toys or discs, books.

Children's room for two boys

Kids room design for two boys green

Design of a children's room for two boys in a country style

Be sure to consider the individual wishes of the child in the arrangement of the room. Making a nursery, where children from 0 to 3 years old live, will turn out to your taste, but you should definitely consult with older children.

Design of a kids room for two boys with a corner bed

Design of a nursery for two boys in the modern style

Nautical-style kids room for two boys

Approach the design of a small room as rationally as possible. Use off-the-shelf modular systems to save space. In Khrushchev, try not to use partitions that visually reduce the size of the room. Bright decor elements, posters, drawing boards, colorful soft carpets - all these things will help create an atmosphere of comfort.

Design of a children's room for two boys with a bed from boards

Design a children's room for two boys of different ages

Podium in the nursery

Vertical zoning in the nursery is good. Many go further and make the podium. In general, the catwalk is one of the categories of interesting and cool pieces that look good in the photo, but in life with them better not mess. Too many pitfalls. Here is an interesting example of a podium in a nursery for two boys:

In addition to a bunch of problems with implementation, this particular option has 1 more: the boys will grow very quickly, and the size of the beds will not work. As a result, several years will have to completely redo the repair. In general, we do not recommend making such podiums. A bunk bed is enough.

Most of the photos in this article should not please adults, they are not for this. The main thing is to get ideas on furniture and zoning. For stylish options, see the article about children’s for gay children.

Safety in the interior of the room for boys

When choosing furniture, it is important to pay attention to the availability of a safety certificate. The best would be the purchase of furniture for two boys made of wood, as well as the use of parquet as a material for flooring.

Particular attention must be paid to the fastening of furniture and shelves, as well as their quality installation. Given the high mobility of the boys, it is necessary to securely fasten shelves and racks, and also make sure that each element of furniture is used strictly for its intended purpose in order to avoid possible injuries.

The drawing wall will look very interesting.

The beds can be put opposite making a small corridor

The design of the children's room is made in the style of minimalism

Choosing furniture for a bedroom for two boys

In this matter, you must adhere to the following rules.

Durability and moisture resistance for long-term service.

The absence of sharp corners and dubious elements that may fall away.

The manufacturer has a quality certificate and a safety certificate.

Furniture should contain a maximum of things (a corner cupboard is the best option: with a minimum occupied space it has high capacity indicators).

The presence of an orthopedic mattress in a bed promotes the formation of proper posture.

The use of eco-friendly finishing materials.

Bright colors always contribute to the development of the child.

The wall with developing pictures will look very beautiful

A training table can be placed near the beds.

For children from birth to 3-4 years

When designing it, you should not create and apply too elaborate design decisions. All that is necessary for kids at this age is a comfortable berth, a warm floor for crawling, the first steps, as well as various toys. The remaining elements are necessary for the comfort of parents: a changing table (some mothers do not use it at all), a chest of drawers or a wardrobe for storing children's things, drawers or chests of drawers for storing toys.

For two boys aged 3 to 6 years

Here you should already divide the children's room into zones, paying special attention to the safety of the kids: avoid sharp corners and slippery surfaces. It is better to use a carpet for the floor.

When buying a bunk bed, it is necessary to clarify with the children whether it is scary for one of them to sleep on the upper tier.

A bunk bed will save a little space

Design of a children's room with a sports corner

In the children's room you need to use as many light colors as possible

Also, the use of a sports corner will not be amiss. This element contributes to the physical development of children and is considered a means for splashing out the accumulated energy.

How to design a bedroom for boys of different ages

With a large age difference between the brothers, you should carefully consider the design of the children's room. This is due to the difference of interests, and the creation of a single bedroom can entail the infringement of the interests of one of the children. It will be optimal to divide the apartment into equal zones for each of the children. This will allow you to organize a more personal space, embodying the wishes of everyone.

The room can be divided into two equal parts

Furniture in the children's room must be functional

Football style kids room design

Color schemes in a children's room

The choice of a color palette in the design of a children's room plays an important role in the issue of not only personal preferences. Child psychologists claim that, depending on the color environment, certain character traits may appear, as well as the baby's talents are revealed. It is only necessary to choose the right color.

In the early years of life, both boys and girls need to surround the children with calm tones such as beige, ivory, pale blue or pink. But after 4 years you can saturate the nursery of rooms with bright tones and shades. Below is a table of the most popular colors that are used in the design.

What influence and in what is manifested

Where to use

Positive effect on the general physical condition, relieves muscle tension

A light accent or an element of decor with an obsessive response (bed side, curtains, toys)

An abundance of a cold shade of blue can cause depression

Excites a psychological state and raises pressure. Not recommended for use as a key or primary color.

Small decor: accessories in the form of flower pots or photo frames, coasters, guns

This color should not be abused, since its abundance negatively affects the psyche of both boys and girls. May cause headaches, contribute to disturbing sleep.

All shades of green

It stabilizes eye pressure, normalizes respiration, improves concentration, has sedative properties and promotes sound and healthy sleep.

In furniture, on walls, in accessories and decorative elements

It has a beneficial effect on the child in any manifestation, both as the main color element and as a decorative accent

All shades of yellow

Favorably affects vision, improves mood, activates mental activity

In any detail of the room, bed sides or as the main color

With increased impulsiveness and frequent mood swings, bright shades should be avoided, and preference should be given to calmer and warmer tones.

Helps improve digestion and stimulate appetite.

Limited use of this color will be optimal: a few toys or an orange decorative detail in the interior

An excess of orange in the creation of apartments for two boys can contribute to overwork and, in extreme cases, cause dizziness.

Wall and ceiling decoration in a children's room

There are several interesting solutions that will help to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the room.

In a small room, the use of a vertical strip visually increases the height of the ceiling, and a small pattern on the walls increases the space.

The use of photowall-paper will become an actual decision in the design of small apartments: they expand the spatial framework and bring variety to the interior.

Use a minimum of dark and bright details and elements. They visually reduce the room. If the use of bright colors is a matter of principle, it should be used in furniture or accessories, without oversaturated apartments.

Walls can serve as a place for children's creativity: washable wallpapers can be painted (children love to create masterpieces on walls), or use special boards attached to the wall for this.

Making out a ceiling, it should be remembered that it is also an element of a decor of all interior and should harmoniously fit into it.

A great idea would be to depict developing drawings on the wall

On the ceiling you can depict the sky or space

Wall and ceiling can be decorated with drawings

Secrets of a successful bedroom design for two boys

The safety of materials used in the repair is the main rule of this process.

When purchasing a bunk bed or a sports corner, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. In this case, attention must be paid to the materials of which the corner is made.

You should not carry out repairs in the winter season, the optimum is the warm period, from mid-spring to early fall.

It is better to use stretch ceilings in apartments for school children.

The best material for furniture is natural wood or metal.

Adequate lighting in the work area.

In the place for relaxation, you can use a sconce or a nightlight with calm diffused light.

Avoid a large number of black, purple and bright red elements. A glut of them suppresses attention, and also has a negative effect on the psychological state of the child as a whole.

The room can be divided into zones of sleep, games and study.

The room should have a sports corner

The bedroom for boys will turn out to be as comfortable and functional as possible, if during its creation natural materials, competent zoning and color matching are used. Also, do not miss the individual wishes of its young owners.

Watch the video: Teen Boy Room Ideas - 25+ Cool Teen Boys Bedroom Designs (September 2024).